Friday, 16 October 2015

bashed about and a fair bit blooded

Crikey, that was a bit of a week.

Having registered for my PhD at Heriot Watt I took the scenic train & cycle route up to Drumbuidhe to continue the harvest (broccoli, rhubarb, cabbage, rowan) and to bring back my car. I headed back to Glasgow on the Monday to find that C had suffered internal bleeding on Saturday and had spent the weekend in a flat liberally covered in melena.

He was convinced that this was the end and, having refused the advice of our GP to go into hospital, had summoned my sister for a deathbed farewell. After cleaning him, his bed and the flat I realised quite how much blood he had lost, overruled his protests and called an ambulance. After a fair bit of unpleasantness (12 hours in A&E; a failed entroscopy; 2 blood transfusions and some spectacular sulking from my sister) the bleeding was identified and stopped and C was discharged last Saturday.

To complicate matters further, I then went back into the Southern General for a knee arthroscopy. I can now negotiate the fancy lifts in my sleep and yes, the views from the rooms are spectacular.

Subject to a bit of checking we're all back in our homes (my sister is back in Devon which also helps matters enormously). C has cut back on his drinking and, after trying Glasgow's homecare system, we've got an adhoc care system in place that shows promise.

Eating for the past week and a bit has been a mixed affair, including: vending machine chocolate (3am Southern General); tea and toast on a tray (from angelic nurses after I'd been awake for 36 hours); M&S ready meals (I got a bus rather than a taxi home after my knee operation and blew the savings on fancy food); Little Italy pizza (eaten through an ocean of tears after C's successful treatment and whilst watching the Great British Bake Off final); sliced bread donated by my corner shop (I think I looked particularly in need as I was buying toilet paper in a dwam) and macaroons (yes! macaroons!) from the (third) Heriot Watt PhD induction.

I'm still struggling to catch up with, well, everything at the minute but, the sun is shining and everyone is up and walking so the signs are good.